
The Making of a Music Video

It was a chilly morning in an old theater in Nevada City at 8:00 am in February. This was our first of 2 film locations, the other being on stage in Auburn. We scouted the locations before our shoot, carefully planning out the logistics for the video. The first section of the Mirror Mirror video took all day to film, 10 hours I believe, with just a skeleton crew of 3 which was a feat in and of itself. The crew consisted of my Film and Music Producer Alan Koshiyama, Art Director Lisa West, and my husband Mark Shusted running around doing anything else that needed to be done that you don’t see in the video (like recording my footsteps and holding equipment for Alan). The second location onstage in Auburn was a quicker shoot. Notice the picture of the camera on a slider. Alan used that for many of the moving shots. I love being behind the scenes, experiencing how it’s really done and how it all comes together.


  • admin on April 16, 2015

    That’s a great post

    • admin on April 16, 2015

      Threaded comment reply

  • admin on April 16, 2015

    Yep, that worked. Thanks